Project Overview
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have made significant progress in approaching a wide range of problems in the general area of computer vision. However, they generally require enormous computational resources and are therefore difficult to deploy in real-time systems. To address this problem, we designed a system for accelerating the core operations required by DCNNs, by using a low-cost Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. We designed an end-to-end accelerator platform, including a PC running Linux, an FPGA board and PC-to-FPGA communication via serial data (over USB). We designed a hardwired convolution processor using custom fixed-point multipliers, and a software handler for sending and reconstructing images. Using custom Verilog/VHDL RTL descriptions and C# software, we aim to exploit the parallelism inherent to FPGAs for high-speed acceleration.